Successfully Responding to Your Mini Cooper Shop's Customer Reviews

More and more people are using the internet to research potential transactions and, to read and leave reviews of their experiences at restaurants, hotels and yes, even Mini Cooper repair shops. It’s increasingly important to make sure your auto repair shop is putting its best foot forward on the internet.

Customer reviews of your Mini Cooper repair shop are a great way for you to gauge your shop’s performance, and a convenient way for potential customers to learn more about your business before bringing their vehicle in for service. As an auto repair shop owner or manager, you can leverage customer reviews, both positive and negative, to help you to improve upon customer relationships and bring more business through your doors.

The importance of responding to customer reviews:

It’s important to always engage with your customers, whether they leave positive reviews or negative reviews. By responding to all types of reviews, and keeping the dialog open with your customers, it builds authenticity and trust. This can lead to repeat customers and may even lead to referrals of their family and friends – which is the highest compliment of all. So why not make it a priority?!

How do I respond effectively to positive customer reviews?

It’s a good to get into to a habit of responding to positive reviews. A positive customer review is what every Mini Cooper repair shop owner seeks. They want to know that you think their shop is the best of the best.

Tip 1: Keep responses relatively short with a simple, “Thank you.” It’s okay to expand a bit more on responses (see tip 3 and 4 below) if their comment warrants that. But as a general rule, let your customers know you value their feedback without overdoing it.

Tip 2: Definitely respond to extremely glowing reviews. Check out the person’s name, the type of car they drive and their past Mini Cooper repair history from your shop. Use any relevant (but not too personal) details in the response. Greet them next time they come in for service. Be genuine with them.

Tip 3: Seize the opportunity to reinforce the positive in your response by reiterating the positive feedback your customer left you. If a customer was raving about the cleanliness of your shop, accuracy of estimate or timeline of repairs, build a buzz around that (in as few words as possible).

Tip 4: Encourage feedback in your responses. Ask if there is a way to improve upon anything, after you thank them. Something like, “Thank you. Let us know if there is anything we can do to make your next experience at our shop even better.”

How do I respond effectively to negative customer reviews?

Sure, from time to time you’re going to come across an unhappy customer who had their Mini Cooper serviced at your shop. You can’t please them all the time, but you can let them know you hear their voices/concerns. Best of all, responding to negative reviews can be a great way to leave prospective customers reading a positive comment.

Tip 1: Respond personally and ASAP. Don’t let a negative customer review sit around for days, weeks or even months. Take action, as a shop manager or owner, and let the customer know you do care about the situation and what they think of your shop. The quicker you respond, the better the resolution.

Tip 2: Respect your client’s opinion, even if it claims an inaccurate experience with false information. As the old adage goes, “the customer is always right. “ Don’t turn this into a shouting match, simply stay professional and correct them if need be. Arguing online about the situation that did/did not happen can be damaging to your shop’s name. Remember your audience in this response is your unhappy client and potential clients who are reading these reviews.

Tip 3: Address the complaint and let your customer know you want to do something to make the situation right. Never offer gifts or coupons to correct the situation, that can make you look desperate. It’s also great to show potential customers that you care enough to take the time to respond to negative reviews and offer solutions to the problem.

Tip 4: Contact the reviewer directly. If you know who left you the negative review, why not pick up the phone and give them a ring? Oftentimes contacting the reviewer directly allows you both to work on a positive solution, in which case they may post a positive review on top of their negative or, or even delete the negative review.

The way you handle your customer’s Mini Cooper service problem from the moment they call for an appointment, to when they drive off your lot, impacts overall customer satisfaction. Knowing the most effective ways to handle both positive and negative reviews can greatly help your Mini Cooper repair shop grow and succeed.

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